Learn to Trade
If you have dabbled in crypto but are not sure what to do with it long term, the The Trade Genius Crypto Investment Course breaks down crypto investing in an easy-to-understand format giving you a simple yet effective foundation and methodology to build a long term Crypto portfolio. It allows you to optimize your investments even with the volatility that comes with crypto investing, allowing you to confidently put your money to work.

There are very few times in people’s lives where they can make a lot of money in a short period of time. That time is upon us NOW.
For many people and investors, the debt of our country and many others around the world is becoming a grave concern. How will it ever get paid back. We see Facebook, and other social media companies and wonder how can we keep our privacy safe? We see mega corporations that sit in the middle of everything and extract fees just because they can. We need to look no further than Venezuela to see what happens when it all falls apart. We are hearing about a new currency, and a new way of doing business that will change our lives forever. This thing called Cryptocurrencies, what is it, and how can we profit from it
Fact #1: Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are the fastest growing asset class in the world, and it has just begun. In 2011 it was a one billion dollar asset class, today over a half a trillion dollars, in 2017 it was routine for people to make 4 times their investments.
Fact #2: Traders of any size can participate
Unlike the Stock market, there are none of the stupid rules that allow the rich and powerful to steal from you, and no minimum size to be able to start trading it. In fact, the whole concept around cryptocurrencies is to eliminate the need for banks and brokers, at all. The head of the Swedish Pirate Party called Cryptocurrencies an extinction level event for the banks. That is a good thing.
Fact #3: Make 5-10 Times
Traders can and do make 5-10 times what is made in the stock market trading cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are called the true market because they do not allow bankers and the privileged to use the same games they use in the stock market to steal from you. That means normal trading rules apply and allow you to more easily make money following those rules, and nobody knows the rules like we do at Trade Genius. We have been trading the Cryptocurrencies since 2011 and we have the rules to make you money.
Get Started Today
Learn The Secrets Of Trading Crypto Currencies with Success From A master binary Option Trader. When it comes to Cryptos, we have seen it all.
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Learn from the best in the industry
Learn The Secrets Of Trading Cryptocurrencies with Success From A Crypto insider. When it comes to Cryptos, we have seen it all.
Our team was one of the original miners of Cryptocurrencies. That means we did the math that allowed the currencies to become available in the first place. We have been trading thes coins for over 7 years and and made 1,000’s of trades. We have created enough wealth to trade these coins full time, and one of the first things we are going to teach you is…
Why Most traders Lose Their Shirt trading these coins
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You decide to trade these coins. You started to trade, caught a move, and then thought this is easy. ,but a few trades later you find you account balance is down and wondering what is wrong with this market You think that this market is just like all the others and get discouraged; or worse, you start trading without a plan to catch back up and lose even more money
“Crypto Trading does not work for me.”
Unfortunately, this is where most people stop trying and give up on this goldmine of a asset class, and that’s too bad, because the truth is that Crypto-trading DOES work and can change your life and the reason your trading didn’t work is because they weren’t set up for success. We see this all the time, even from experienced stock traders. They are trading without understanding what are these coins, this asset class and why they are so valuable, and why they trade the way they do.
Here’s What Most Traders Do WRONG with Cryptos
FEAR OF Missing Out. Most traders only buy after the coins start moving, but are often too late as the first moves are the best moves. Then immediately see a pullback and panic out, losing money. After a few times, they are discouraged and poorer. You can’t compare Stock Trading to Crypto Trading, they have their own set of rules. Here are a few more mistakes we see trading this market
Mistake #2: Buy and have no plans on when or how to sell.
Many traders here this word bandied about called HODLing. That is buy, and hold forever and buy your Lamborghini. But most can’t hold especially if they are losing money on a trade. This market requires you to have targets for profit, or to minimize losses, but most wing it as they don’t know how to trade this market, or get greedy and end up losing everything.
Which brings us to mistake #3…
Letting Social Media pick your coins or keeping you from trading them in the first place. This is called FUD, (Fear, Uncertainty. and doubt) Remember the old guard do not want you to have success and they will keep you from coins that they want at a lower price and will scare you away through the news.
Mistake #4: Spray and Pray
There are 1,000’s of coins out in the marketplace, 90% of them will be worth zero in the next couple of years, the rest will/can make you fabulously wealthy. The trick, of course is which ones. Most traders trade by word of mouth or by social media, and will splash around with too many coins. First, you’re too late as those same people are selling to you, and number two is it is very hard to manage too many trades in this fast paced environment.
What Happens When You Make These Mistakes?
Simple, you lose money. You sit on the sidelines afraid to trade; or you chase, or you trade too much. Finally you will miss out on the most explosive boom in the history of Man.
Here’s What Most Traders Do WRONG with Cryptos
Not knowing the Probability of the trade winning. For Binary option trading it is as important to know what the price is likely to do during the time your trade is active, as it is knowing the technical nature of the chart pattern. They are called probabilities for a reason. Many see a good chart set up, take the trade, and are bewildered when the trade loses. After a few times, they are discouraged and poorer. You can’t compare Stock Trading to Binary Trading, they have their own set of rules. Here are a few more mistakes we see trading this market
Mistake #2: Buy or sell and have no plans on when or how to close the trade.
Many traders put on a trade and simply let it expire as a winner or a loser. This is a very fast way to lose all of your capital.
Which brings us to mistake #3…
Being suckered into trades that look like high probability winners by the exchange price, but in fact generate the most devastating losses as there is little room to recover if wrong, and th loss percentages are the biggest.
Mistake #4: Not knowing When to Trade What
There are 1,000’s of trades weekly, 90% are not worth you risking your capital, but the 10% that have high probabilities of winning. The trick, of course is which ones. Most traders do not have the probabilities libraries we have, and we know every day what should or could be traded if we get the right price. That is why our winning percentage is around 90%. Take the easy pitches, and build wealth.
What Happens When You Make These Mistakes?
Simple, you lose money. You sit on the sidelines afraid to trade; or you chase, or you trade too much. Finally, you will miss out on a very simple way to build wealth.
Get Started Today
Learn The Secrets Of Trading Crypto Currencies with Success From A master binary Option Trader. When it comes to Cryptos, we have seen it all.
Learn at your own pace
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Learn from the best in the industry
We are here to Help
At Trade Genius, we have been trading these coins since 2011. We apply a rigorous process around which coins are worthy of our attention and of those who learn and follow us. We created a multi pronged approach that includes:
- Beginning and advanced Cryptocurrency courses
- Cryptocurrency Trading room open 24/7 with 100’s of fellow traders
- Best trading picks sent right to your smartphone.
- Trading Algorithm software indicators available on Tradingview
- Automatic Tracking and signaling of the top 20 coins available to you on your smartphone or computer via email.
- Personal one on one coaching.
Here are a few of the things you’ll learn:
- What are Cryptocurrencies
- Why do we even need them
- Explain all of the new words, and methods
- How will it change the world
- What industries will be affected
- How do I trade these when the coins are rising, choppy or falling
- How do I trade these when the market is choppy
- How do I trade these when the market is falling
- What coins should I trade now
- How Do I set up my charts
- How do I determine when and where to take profits
- How do I determine if I should take a loss
- How do I set those up
- Where is the market going next
Just How Much Is This System Worth?
To answer that, let me tell you a little story. For many years I was a Mergers and Acquisitions Executive, and learned the lesson between price and value, and return on Investments. Price tells you what it is, value tells you what it is worth. Return on Investment is are you getting out of it more than you put int it. That really sunk in with me, price is just a number, it is value that you want. We price our solutions to allow you to maximize your returns, very quickly, and just as quickly see what an incredible partner we can be for you as you build your wealth.
Here’s Your Chance To Wake Up Tomorrow With A Proven Plan
If you leave this page now, you’re going to wake up tomorrow and everything is going to be the same. You’ll still have the same challenges and frustrations, without any new hope on the horizon for rapid wealth building, but when you DO invest in this system, then tomorrow will be different.
Tomorrow you’ll have a solution.
You’re going to wake up and know how to trade the cryptocurrencies, what coins to trade, when to trade them, and how to manage those trades, with great success. If this training gets you one or two good trades, it will have already paid for itself, but that’s just the beginning. Because once you know how to tap into the tremendous power of trading Cryptocurrencies, you will be ahead of 99.9% of all the traders in the world.
You trading profits will likely dwarf those without a plan. Like you, I also invested my hard won gains in a team of professionals that are the best in the business to help you and me be the best Crypto Traders out there. It was a no brainer decision for me, and you also reap that benefit. We structured our solutions as stand alone or bundled, and for taking the time and reading this, we also threw in some special prices for you.
Here’s what’s included

Part 1 – The Trade Genius Approach
In this lesson you will understand the fundamentals that are driving investors into Bitcoin and crypto currencies. We breakdown the investment strategy between Bitcoin and altcoins that are implemented in this course.

Part 2 – Understanding the Bitcoin Price Cycles
In this section you will learn about Bitcoin price cycles. Most view bitcoin price action as too volatile, but this lesson will help you understand these extreme moves in price. This will help you with timing cycle tops and bottoms to maximize your investment returns when implementing our growth strategies. Chart templates will be provided so you can follow along with the markets in real time.

Section 1 – The Halving Cycles
In this lesson you will learn about the Bitcoin Halving events, what they are and their effect on the price of Bitcoin. Includes a Trading View Chart template.

Lesson 2.1 – Stock-to-Flow
In section you will learn about the Stock-to-Flow model, how it works, its forecasting relation to a commodity like Bitcoin, and how to monitor its progress in real-time.

Lesson 2.2 – Cycle Repeat Model
In this section you will learn about the cycle repeat model and how to use it in real time to monitor projected Bitcoin cycle tops.

Section 2.3 – The BEAM Indicator
In this section you will learn about the beam indicator and how to use the included Trading View chart template to understand when it is signaling a market top or bottom.
Part 3 – Bitcoin Growth Strategies
The lessons in this section teach you the methods to identify swing trades to take to build your portfolio no matter where we are in the crypto price cycles.

Section 3.1 – Dollar Cost Averaging
In this lesson you will learn about basic dollar cost averaging and how to optimize it to boost returns. Includes Trading View chart template.

Section 3.2.1 – Identifying a Bull or Bear Market
In this Lesson you will learn how to identify the type of market we are in so you can you use the appropriate swing trading technique

Section 3.2.2 – Margin Trading and Using Leverage
In this lesson you will learn what Margin trading is and how to use leverage in a moderate way to outperform the market cycle.

Section 3.2.3 – Swing Trading Explained
In this Lesson you will learn the about the swing trading concept and learn how to use our Trading View chart template that will be used to place and monitor your trades.

Section 3.2.4 – Pre-Halving Entry Trigger
In this lesson you will learn step-by-step where to place a swing trade that brings the largest returns in the Bitcoin cycles. Printable PDF guide included.

Section 3.2.5 – Post Halving Bull Entry Trigger
In this lesson you will learn how to identify optimal entries and exits in a Bitcoin bull market. Printable PDF guide Included.

Section 3.2.6 – Post Halving Bear Entry Trigger
In this lesson you will learn how to trade a bear market in Bitcoin. Printable PDF guide Included.

Section 3.3 – Earning Yield on Your Bitcoin
In this lesson you will learn about earning yield on you Bitcoin holdings. You will learn about the available options, the pros and cons of each, and the risks involved.

Part 3 – REVIEW
In this lesson, we review key points from part 3.
Part 4 – Trading in and out of Altcoins
The lessons in this section teach you about the Altcoin trading portion of our investment strategy.

Section 1 – Typical ALT/BTC Cycle
This lesson will teach you how to identify a typical altcoin Cycle so you can Identify optimal swing entry ranges

Section 2 – The Oscillators
This lesson will help you identify a certain price action that can give you reliable returns year in and year out.

Section 3 – Altcoin Seasonality
In this lesson you will learn about identifying optimal times to be exposed to altcoins. Chart template Included.